Flood Announces Nearly $1 Million in Grant Funding Awarded to Northampton County

March 26, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Ann Flood (R-Northampton) is pleased to announce grants totaling $920,000 have been awarded by the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) to benefit residents in Northampton County. These funds will be used to enhance connectivity across various modes of transportation and to improve transportation infrastructure in the 138th Legislative District.

“Infrastructure grants like these are critically important for maintaining and improving our district,” said Flood. “I am thrilled to advocate for significant projects like these, as they will enhance the quality of life for residents in our area. Maintaining roads, sidewalks and bridges is critical as they serve as vital lifelines for our community.

Grant funding was awarded as follows:

Stockertown Borough - $75,000 for the reconstruction of Lincoln Avenue.

Wind Gap Borough - $200,000 to replace the Male Road Bridge.

Plainfield Township - $225,000 for stormwater improvements and the rehabilitation of Engler Road.

The Multimodal Transportation Fund in Pennsylvania is a state-level program designed to support projects that enhance transportation infrastructure and connectivity across multiple modes of transportation. The fund was established to address the diverse transportation needs of communities, including improving roadways, bridges, transit facilities, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and ports.

Representative Ann Flood
138th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Will Jones
RepFlood.com / Facebook.com/RepAnnFlood

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